Walks in the park
Parco Curiel:
This green urban area has lots of trees, benches and footpaths. It can be found between Via Carducci and Via Primo Maggio. There are also swings and a play area for children. Sometimes this park also hosts parties and local events.
Parco del Naviglio:
Situated in the northern part of town and crossed by the Naviglio Canal. The District has carried out a project of ecological re-balancing of the park by adding cycle paths winding through the forest and planting trees and bushes. The Naviglio area is already part of another project of reforestation of urban areas to bring back something that citizens may have forgotten but still feel the need to have around them.
The whole District of Riva del Po runs along the Great River giving visitors the rare chance to climb the river bank and admire the surrounding landscape of floodplains, crops and riversides for miles around. Descending from the bridge that crosses the river at Polesella we can enter an area known as “Bacchellian” ,setting of a famous historical novel “Il Mulino del Po” by the writer Riccardo Bacchelli. The poplar trees, the rural buildings and country houses are spread as far as the eye can see. Some of these famous buildings are both of cultural and historical value : the “Mulino sul Po” , the “Vallazza” ( a manor house from 1850), the “Villa Beicamica”and the church of Guardia Ferrarese. The path touches mainly the areas of Guarda Ferrarese and Ro all the way to Zocca and crosses two woodlands: one with local trees of the Padana Plane, the other a natural implanted forest with a complex ecosystem. This scenery makes it possible for the tourist to feel as if he or she were there in the famous novel that ranges historically from the napoleonic period all the way to the First World War.
The town offers the Eco-tourist kilometers of cycle paths and walks. Spring time is perfect for the itinerary that starts from Tresigallo and ends in Finale di Rero coasting a line of centennial sycamore trees.
Once you reach Final di Rero, continue left and crossing Via delle Siepi, flank the the Po di Volano until you reach the crossroads that lead to Rero, taking this road you will find yourselves immersed in the peaceful and colorful countryside.
“Via delle Siepi” (Lane of the bushes) is a path between the River and the countryside and a nesting area for winter wrens, red robins and blackbirds that find their natural habitat in the thick bushy vegetation.
“Viale dell’Ascolto” can be found on the border of via delle Siepi in amongst a tangle of thorns, bushes and branches, here lies the entrance to this magical land where you could easily expect a gnome or wood fairy to appear at any moment. Following a winding footpath you will eventually reach a clearing with seating made out of salvaged logs positioned in front of two chairs that could resemble the thrones of the King and Queen of the forest. Due to its very nature this place can be only reached during clear days.
“Il Parco degli sceriffi ecologici” is the garden park of the old Boeri Hospital that can be found in the middle of the village, full of centennial trees and a small lake with aquatic and officinal plants. People go to this park to do sport, there is a picnic area with tables and a play area for kids all separated into different areas letting the visitor make the most of the peace and serenity offered by the majestic tress and green grass.